.. currentmodule:: async_pokepy Changelog ========= This page aims to keep an organized view of all of the changes since the wrapper's initial release. 0.1.7a ------ - :class:`PokemonSprites` is now also an iterable that works with :meth:`len`. 0.1.6a ------ - :meth:`connect` instead of the outdated :meth:`Client.connect`. - ``base`` can now be a positional argument in :meth:`connect`. 0.1.5a ------ - :class:`Machine` object with :meth:`Client.get_machine`. - Added `lru-dict `_ as an optional package for overall better caching with a least recently used algorithim and a maxsize of 128. - :class:`UnNamedBaseObject` for full objects without a name provided. - Can now pass a custom :class:`aiohttp.ClientSession` in :meth:`connect`. 0.1.4a ------ - Hotfixes for :class:`AsyncPaginationIterator` mostly. 0.1.3a ------ - Various improvements with :class:`AsyncPaginationIterator` and :class:`AsyncIterator` - Many objects attributes that were strings are now :class:`NamedAPIObject` or :class:`APIObject`. - :class:`AsyncPaginationIterator` now uses both of the instead of a :class:`tuple`. - :class:`MachineVersionDetail` for :class:`Move` - :class:`Berry` objects. 0.1.2a ------ - Added :class:`Ability` and :meth:`Client.get_ability` for ability objects. 0.1.1a ------ - Sprites from :meth:`Client.read_sprite` and :meth:`Client.save_sprite` are now cached. - Slight improvements in internal caching. 0.1.0a ------ - :class:`Move` objects and :meth:`Client.get_move` (still incomplete and need testing). - Integrated :class:`AsyncIterator` and :meth:`Client.get_pagination` for API pagination, still incomplete and needs testing too. - :data:`version_info` for a :data:`sys.version_info`-like :func:`~collections.namedtuple`. - All modules now have ``__all__`` defined to them. 0.0.9a ------ - :meth:`Client.read_sprite` and :meth:`Client.save_sprite` for easy sprite downloading. - Base URI to make requests to and the User-Agent header are now customizable. - Pretty formatted names, e.g ``thick-fat`` is now ``Thick Fat``. - Full objects are now searchable by both name and id. - Improvements in internal routing. 0.0.7a ------ - First release.